For technical documentation, blogs, and articles, it's usually a good idea to distinguish between a link within a site (internal) and a link to another site (external), because while reading a blog or technical documentation, clicking a link and accidentally redirecting to an external site.
A nice UX pattern is to display an "external link" icon next to external links. There is a simple way to implement this is using CSS. In CSS, the attribute value selector allows you to select elements based on the value of an attribute. It follows the syntax [attribute=value], where "attribute" is the name of the attribute you want to target, and "value" is the specific value you want to match. Here's an example:
The CSS examples above are to be used within the section of a page and aren’t intended for navbars, footers, or elsewhere where the font size and colors may differ - where automating the appearance of these links may not be appropriate. The icon used in the example above is Bootstrap’s ‘box arrow up-right’ icon, but feel free to switch to something else such as Font Awesome’s External-Link-Alt’ icon. I used the neat URL-encoder for SVG service to convert the SVG code.